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The dam behind Alessia's eyes held until she made it to the locker-room showers, after she got cotton balls stuffed up her nose by a doc, after she limped her way back from the ring. After she lost her shot at the Evolution Title. It was a odd feeling her eyes stinging with tears if it wasn't from a physical injury, what was making her so upset she wondered to herself. It couldn't have been losing, she had taken losses as lessons many times before in her Olympic and National career. "Its because you got focused on the wrong person.... DiMarco wasn't the fucking focus!" she screamed in anger as the warm water fell on her skin. The large tattoo of a white palm that rest on her upper left arm catches her eye causing her to think back on a memory she still couldn't bury.

(Earlier this year)

Capello paces around a room holding a cell phone to her face as a bellboy waits by the door

???: Five years.

The voice on the line is feminine yet stern, commanding obedience from all.

Alessia: But i don't see the reaso-.

???: "Because you decided you wanted to be apart from this family! We gave you five years of the world free from what you called shackles. Heed my words you insolent child! You think yourself bigger than the fate of us all an-

Alessia: I didn't say that!

???: You don't have to when you blatanly speak back against the people who took you in... where would you be if not for us? Your lucky that druggy of a mother sold you to one of our groups.... what was it again...? ANSWER ME CHILD

Alessia glares at the wall of her hotel room for a moment hot angry tear stinging her face as she breaths in.

Alessia: 40

???: Thousand? Million?

Alessia:...40 Euro

???: Exactly....never forget who saved you.....who loves you....I'm only hard on you because i expect so much from you....You chosen by Bap-

Alessia scoffs

Alessia: He isnt even around anymore.

Her tone is one of reproach bordering on disrespect


Alessia: I just mean....does any of that even matter? Im sure he had others..

???: Do this thing and all will be forgiven...he had plans for you still. You contacted me when you heard the news....such fire and vinegar you spewed. Wanting a name....

Alessia: But i won't have a future in wrestling if i do it....its a auto on my last strike as is...they say i have a mean streak.

???: So would several people here....i recall many hours of punishment being dulled out for someone beating up others for no good reason. Rule one?

???/Alessia: My hands are meant to hold up my family or to defend them from those who would do them harm.

???: this girl's father....He is very influential in the government...But he needs taught a lesson....Ruin her shoulder...any fines will be paid and after'll be making your way to...what was it.....ah yes...IIW'S First Class Division...we have a few persons of interest there...along with traitorous snakes...maybe you'll find your name...but your not to act until you've received the'll know it when you get it.

Alessia thinks for a moment as she tries to find a way out of having to do this but the pangs of anger crack into a deep wellspring as she thinks of her fallen mentor.

Alessia: Yes Mother it will be done....I eagerly await my chance to get my hands on this.... First class

Mother: Welcome back to the fold Horseman.

The phone clicks off as Alessia tosses it to the Busboy before closing the door up.

(Present day)
Alessia sighed as she dried herself off her emotions back in check as she thought of the next move. "Its almost the appointed time...i wonder if she will make the call?" She had done her intel after joining First Class and knew who she was waiting for already. It was a interesting choice but she was told she had the final say if this woman was a good fit for the Left Hand. She already knew what the test would be after seeing the card for Noreaster a smirk forming on her lips as she also realized the test was for herself as much her potential recruit.

After getting dressed and stopping by a local shop Alessia set up her phone to record her words for the masses.
"What would you do to achieve your goals in this world?" She looks at the camera small smirk still on her lips as she raises a half empty wine bottle to her lips and taking a swig swirling it around before gulping with a satisfied sigh. "I'd do whatever i had to show you all the splendor of the end times...I know your all laughing at me....oh Capello you where just a flash in the couldn't get the job done after all hahahahaha!" She takes another long swig before sending the bottle into the wall her eyes filling with that usual anger "NO! that bitch Dimarco....She stole it from me...a insignificant gnat stole from me....Don't worry I'm going to settle up with her sooner rather than later, at Noreaster I plan to destroy her...I plan to hurt her! I'll show her just how much of a "meathead" I am when I pin her neck between a ladder and shut it up" She nods to herself as she leans down to rub her thigh Left hand Tatoo coming full in view on her shoulder. "But there is another...Stepanie Lacroix...I don't have a inflated ego...your a warrior proven and you have my respect for your display of tenacity and skill....despite....others could have gone either way so for that...sygcharitiria." (Congrats) "Despite all won't be enough...because now that I have given you your honors you don't have to worry about me not focusing on this title match. After I throttle Dimarco i plan to ascend and take that which should already be mines, suffering for you is optional Lacroix...don't get it confused....i will give you your respect as the champion and give my all...but just this once....i wont go out of my way to cripple you, I want to cultivate you...I think you could be so much more than you are now if you only rose your fists for the right things." "All of you are now on notice, i am looking for those willing to take everything they want in this world...To be a predator we have to slaughter the prey! We will take First Class...its that simple. What we do we will do....on behalf of the dark" The video shuts off abruptly leaving the viewers gazing into the darkness of their screen.

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